jim dewitt, editor of Eschew Obfuscation Review and Freek Fallus Expresso, has been published in hundreds of publications and bills himself as a "language researcher."
The misanthropic daveed gartenstein-ross is a prospective philosophy major at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N. C. He has been published in magazines such as Mobius, Blank Gun Silencer and ten:by:six.
raymond is an unemployed 19-year-old who calls himself a "connoisseur of booty" and spends his time picking his nose and worshipping graven images.
knox robinson is a student at Wake Forest University. He wishes to inform the female readership that he is single.
bryan thomas is a sophomore at Wake Forest who enjoys skiing and being a postal worker. He hails from Murrysville, Penn.
steve wishnevsky is an old white male.
samantha zeitlin is studying biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania.
These pages are created and maintained by David Jacobs and S. Adam Rice . Please mail them if you have any comments, suggestions, or whatever.